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Hayakawa > News  > Staff at HIUK support Macmillan Cancer Supports “World’s Biggest Coffee Morning”.

Staff at HIUK support Macmillan Cancer Supports “World’s Biggest Coffee Morning”.

The staff at Hayakawa UK helped in the fight against cancer by supporting Macmillan Cancer Support – “World’s Biggest Coffee Morning”.

Lots of baked goodies and cuppas were had and overall the morning was a great success.  We managed to raise around £125, and the company matched the same bringing the total to £250 for Macmillan Cancer Support. 

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who joined us for our coffee morning and helped to support this great cause.


#Macmillancancersupport #macmillan #macmillancoffeemorning #charity #cake #hayakawauk